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Modern Work Space


Corporate and General English classes


Spoken and understood by the majority of people in the world of business, English is essential for all professionals wanting to improve their skills and develop their careers.


Unlock your global potential with our expert English language consulting.


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For over 15 years, I’ve been providing professional training services to clients in the UK and Brazil. From legal training to English language development, my focus is always on building an efficient and results-driven relationship. I’ll work with you to create a customized plan of action for yourself or your organization. Get in touch to learn more about my vision and consulting approach.

Alan Heinen - CEO, Celeo Redes, Santiago, Chile

I've been working with Dan for many years and have recommended him to many companies and colleagues.

Ivana Amorim De Coelho Bomfim - Partner, Machado Meyer Advogados

I've improved both my legal English and business English making me feel more confident in meetings and at conferences.

Tiago Branco Waiselfisz - Private Equity Principal, H.I.G.

My ability and confidence to speak English has improved to levels I never believed it could after working with Daniel.



+55 (21) 971870437

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